Sometimes you can’t resist it. Fresh saucy and cheesy pizza when it’s still smoking hot. You grab a slice and bite down before it’s cooled. The result is pizza burn. This is an uncomfortable side-effect that can take a while to heal. Fortunately, your local Broomfield dentist can offer some facts about pizza burn and how to relieve these symptoms. 

The Symptoms and Causes

While this has been dubbed pizza burn, it can occur from soup, coffee, and other hot foods that are not allowed to cool. Soon after eating these, you will notice the inside of your mouth, and your tongue is tender. In severe cases, blisters will spread across the roof of your mouth. Unfortunately, this will hurt for a while. Therefore, if you need to visit the dentist and get a procedure involving dental handpieces done, you should avoid scorching foods for a few days beforehand. 

Soothing Your Mouth

To relieve the stinging pain immediately after the event, try sucking on an ice cube. You can also try eating ice cream or drinking cold water to cool the area. Once it is cooled, drink some milk to apply a protective coating. If the pain persists for more than a few minutes, take over-the-counter meds to relieve the pain. 

While your mouth is healing, avoid consuming acidic, crunchy, spice, salty, or hot foods. These can further irritate your wound. To prevent infection, be sure to brush regularly and keep your mouth clean. You can try saline rinses for extra help cleaning the burn. After cleaning your mouth, apply some vitamin E juice to the wound. 

Pizza burn can heal within a few days of the occurrence. Although you can take several steps to soothe your mouth, it is still going to be uncomfortable. Therefore, you should probably wait until the fresh cheesy pizza has cooled before eating it.