The Importance of Visiting a Dentist Regularly

Of all aspects of health, dental care is considered by many as less priority among medical fields. It is pretty easy to overlook primary dental care, especially for people with a busy schedule who always seem to go. Like entrepreneurs or business people, people who have tight schedules find it pretty hard to squeeze in dental checkups since their time is usually spent on essential appointments.

For example, if a person is a business or life coach, their day would usually be spent on learning advancements for training the brain, which leaves no time to schedule a dental appointment checkup. Regardless of how hard and demanding the job is, it is very important to visit a dentist for oral checkups to avoid future dental problems.

How often should people visit their dentists?

People need to visit dental professionals at least once every six months. If people have a dental professional on their phone’s speed dial, they can call to schedule an appointment. They can also contact dentists they find on the Internet for a partial assessment of their oral health.

Visit this site for more details about dental instruments.

The importance of regular checkups

Some individuals may wonder why it is imperative to visit a professional when they regularly floss, use mouthwash, or brush their teeth at home. To remove doubts from people’s mind, this article will help educate them on the importance of regular dental appointments. Listed below are the reasons why people need to visit dental clinics.

To have a cleaning session

Plaque or the sticky layer of bacteria in the mouth forms in between teeth for the last six months. This plaque may turn into tartar, which is tough to remove unless people visit their dentists to do scaling. Dental experts have a power scaler device, which uses ultrasonic vibration to help remove the calcified deposit of tartar.

This scaler vibrates between 20,000 to 50,000 times per second and is pretty effective in scraping hardened tartar. The vibrating metal tip of the scaler will crush tartar and plaque on deeper pockets. It also creates shock waves that affect bacterial cells, so they do not cause further damage to people’s teeth.

There are two kinds of ultrasonic scalers

  • Piezoelectric Scaler
  • Magnetostrictive Scaler

Both of these dental devices work similarly. The only difference is that the direction of their cleaning head moves is different. In Magnetostrictive Scaler, cleaning heads move in elliptical motions, while Piezoelectric Scaler cleaning head moves back and forth in straight lines or in linear movements.

How do scalers work? Check out for more info.

Help detect the risk of oral cancer

Many experts consider cancer as one of the leading causes of mortality all over the world. Just like other cancers, the survival rate of this disease depends on its stage upon diagnosis. That is why visiting a dental expert is very important to help determine potential risks. Experts use various screening technologies to detect any abnormalities in oral health as early as possible. Listed below are common methods in determining these abnormalities:

Fluorescence Imaging Tech

It is a technology expert used to maximize the visualization of autofluorescence tissue loss associated with cancer. VELscope is a prime example of a screening device experts use to detect abnormalities. This device is sold commercially. It releases a blue light that helps dentists see abnormalities in oral tissues, by looking at the autofluorescence amount. Under VELscope, abnormal cavity tissues will appear black to dark brown because of the declining levels of autofluorescence. Normal cavity tissues will release pale green bacteria.

High-resolution imaging

Optical imaging technologies like confocal reflectance microscopy enables experts to record subcellular-resolution images in vivo and without the help of a biopsy. With laser use, this device helps experts see a clear image of cellular forms and tissue architecture in as real-time as possible in the person’s oral cavity. These recorded images are then used to help professionals determine pre-cancer in the oral cavity.

Keep people’s bad habit in check

Oral hygiene firms aim to make dental care smarter through modern technology. Some of these firms are launching applications that offer tricks and tips on proper flossing, brushing, or mouth washing. It is beneficial when it comes to in-home oral care.

But some individuals have bad habits that home care cannot solve. These habits include vaping, smoking, or consuming foods and beverages loaded with sugar or starch. These habits can have adverse effects on people’s oral health, which they will not know to what extent unless they know how to find the right dentist and schedule a regular visit.

Technologies that help detect the effects of bad habits

Intraoral camera

Professionals use this technology to provide their patients with excellent assessments of their oral health. It is a size and shape of a pen that is inserted in the patient’s mouth to take high-definition images of hard-to-reach areas of the mouth. Any side effects of unhealthy eating habits or excessive vaping or smoking are detectable using these cameras.


This device has been in use in this industry for many years. These lasers detect cavities in the mouth and use fluorescence to identify decaying tooth or dental tissues, as well as normal ones. It works a lot better than conventional x-ray in detecting tooth decay. Thus, a lot of professionals are using this device to see and closely examine small or big defects in the mouth.

In conclusion

Like other branches of medicine, oral health is also changing with the advancements of technology and procedures to help improve evaluations. The use of fluorescence and optical imaging is changing people’s lives because of its accuracy when it comes to detecting possible risks in oral health as early as possible, which helps individuals deal with problems successfully.