In order to have a great smile, taking care of your gums is just as important as taking care of your teeth. Here are five things that you can do to make your gums as healthy as possible.

1. Brush Below the Gumline

When you brush your teeth, you need to reach more than just the upper surface of your teeth. Brushing below the gumline enables you to remove plaque that gets trapped between your gums and your teeth.

2. Use a Soft-Bristled Toothbrush

If your toothbrush bristles are too hard, you won’t be comfortable brushing below the gumline. Also, you may irritate your gum or worsen sensitivity in your teeth. Choose a soft-bristled toothbrush to assure that you’ll be able to brush correctly.

3. See Your Dentist as Soon as a Problem Causes You Any Discomfort

Sudden sensitivity or discomfort is unlikely to resolve itself on its own. Don’t put off going to the dentist because you’re hoping that an issue will go away. Find out what you need to do to prevent a problem from getting worse. If you need a dentist Miami Beach, see a dental care provider who offers preventative and restorative treatment.

4. Don’t Skip Flossing

Flossing is essential to good oral health. Floss between every tooth at least once a day to avoid gingivitis.

5. Use an Antiseptic Mouthwash With Fluoride

Not all mouthwash is the same. Instead of using a rinse that relies on alcohol to kill germs, use one that contains antiseptic and fluoride.

Your gum health will be a huge factor in your overall oral health. If you don’t have healthy gums, you won’t have healthy teeth. Clean and germ-free gums will make you less susceptible to infection, tooth decay, and bad breath. Make sure your at-home care and in-office dental care adequately addresses your gum health.