What Is the Difference Between Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery?

What Is the Difference Between Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery?

There are several critical differences between plastic and reconstructive surgeries. First, medical insurance often covers reconstructive surgery, whereas cosmetic surgery is considered elective. However, if you’re planning to get either surgery, it’s essential to understand which one will be covered. Here’s how to determine which is right for you. You should also know whether your insurance plan covers the procedure. If it does, you can contact your insurer and get the details.

Reconstructive surgery is medically necessary.

Reconstructive surgery involves reshaping body parts that have suffered physical damage or afflictions. These procedures are performed to treat a variety of conditions, including congenital defects, trauma, tumors, and disease. Some procedures also address aesthetic concerns, such as cleft palate, and can even be covered by Medicare. Although many people use the terms interchangeably, the two types of plastic surgery are often distinct.

Reconstructive surgery is often performed to correct other body parts, such as facial deformities, which impair one’s ability to move. Traumatic injuries, however, can affect mobility. In addition, survivors will need time to heal. Patients may also require physical therapy, especially after extensive procedures. This can help regain flexibility and improve range of motion. However, if the surgery is deemed cosmetic, it does not necessarily mean it is necessary.

Insurance companies typically do not cover elective cosmetic surgeries but often cover reconstructive surgery. Reconstructive surgery is necessary to correct a physical condition. For example, a rhinoplasty to fix a malformed nasal passage may also correct vision problems. But it is crucial to understand the difference between reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery. The distinction between these two types of surgery depends on the procedure performed. Often, it is possible to get both.

Cosmetic surgery is elective.

Although the procedure is both elective and medically necessary, there is a difference between cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. Cosmetic surgery improves the look of the body and can improve a patient’s self-esteem. Before deciding on a surgical procedure, discuss realistic expectations with a plastic surgeon. Before a procedure, you should stay healthy and follow your provider’s instructions. Additionally, you should stay out of the sun and smoke to increase your healing time.

Cosmetic surgery aims to improve a patient’s appearance and enhance symmetry and proportion. It may be applied to the face, body, neck, head, or extremities. Cosmetic surgery is more focused on the aesthetic appeal of a patient than on repairing a physical deformity. However, both are reconstructive. If you are considering a procedure, consult a physician from the specialists in plastic surgery Raleigh NC who has  ample training in both types of surgery.

The distinction between cosmetic surgery and reconstructive surgery may be blurred. However, a doctor who performs both types of surgery should be board-certified and has adequate training. You should also consider the type of insurance you have. Some insurance companies cover two kinds of surgeries, so you should contact your plan to see if cosmetic surgery is covered. However, some conditions for which plastic surgery is only elective and not covered by insurance.

Reconstructive surgery is covered by insurance.

Many types of reconstructive surgery are covered by insurance. However, certain types are not. For example, while your insurance will cover breast prostheses, cosmetic surgery is seldom covered. While this is true for some procedures, you should check with your insurance company to see if you qualify for coverage. In addition, you may have to pay a deductible and co-pay if you have a health insurance plan, or you might have to pay more for reconstructive surgery than you’d otherwise have to.

If your insurance covers reconstructive surgery, read the fine print carefully. Check with the insurer about any limitations, and then calculate the cost based on your insurance plan. Be sure to call your benefits administrator if you have any questions. You should also consult with your health insurance provider to ensure you don’t have any exclusions or limitations that might prevent you from receiving surgery. Finally, compare prices to ensure you’re getting the most coverage for your reconstructive surgery.

Some health insurance plans will cover reconstructive surgery, despite your need for cosmetic surgery. The Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act (WHCRA) requires group health plans to cover mastectomy and reconstruction as long as the insurer offers both procedures. While Medicaid coverage varies by state, government and church-sponsored health plans are often excluded from this coverage. Reconstructive surgery is generally covered under these laws.