Times are challenging, and you may start feeling overwhelmed by the stress you face. If you suffer from anxiety, dealing with the pressures of work, home and the current social climate may become too much to endure. When you let the rigors of life trigger your anxiety without intervention, it will start to take a toll on your physical health. It is important to do what you can to manage anxiety before it gets to that point. Follow these three tips for helping you get through the days and weeks without being crippled by your anxiety.

1. Practice Yoga and Meditation

Triggers in your external world drive anxiety. These may be anything from an uncomfortable social situation to a presentation at work. Regardless of the why, once your anxiety is tripped, it is difficult to recover without feeling breathless or sweaty. Regaining control of your breath is one thing you can do anytime you feel the crush in your chest. Yoga or meditation practices focus on breathing. Both encourage you to use the inhalation and exhalation of breath to center the mind and relax the body. If you take up yoga or meditation, it will become easier to control your anxiety with the methods taught.

2. Talk Things Out

The brain is the most powerful organ in the body. Not only is it responsible for every other body system, but it also houses all thoughts and generates emotional responses. Anxiety can stem from uncontrolled thoughts that take over. You may find yourself revisiting painful situations in your head, or feeling horrible after a poor decision. Negative thoughts may become automatic, and retraining the brain to stop can take time and help. Talking to a Therapist Located in Lakewood Colorado or anywhere closeby can give you the tools you need to stop detrimental thought patterns.

3. Utilize a Journal

Writing things down can provide therapeutic relief, especially when dealing with anxiety. Getting out the thoughts that drive and aid your stress can help stop them from continuing. Talking things through and writing them down, releases them and their grip on your brain. Writing can be done anywhere and at anytime. It is yet another tool that can help stop the harmful noise in your head that escalates into anxious behavior and responses.

Anxiety can be controlled in a few different ways. Finding what works for you may take some trial and error. Failing to do anything, however, may lead to health issues that worsen over time. Getting help in keeping anxious thoughts and feelings at bay should be a priority in self-care.